January 17, 2023
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- admission events
- admissions
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- Africa travel
- air filtration
- amate
- annual preschool fair
- art
- art and crafts
- art project
- arts
- asian-american community
- at home learning
- autumn moon
- autumn moon celebration
- auxiliary programs
- avenues
- awards
- back to school
- Ballad of Mulan
- ballots
- benefits of a bilingual education
- benefits of an immersion education
- benefits of immersion
- Bernards Township
- Bian lian
- biculturalism
- biligualism
- Bilingual Buds
- bilingual child
- bilingual education
- bilingual language development
- bilingual learning
- bilingual newspaper
- bilingual presentation
- bilingualism
- bilingualism and executive function
- black history month
- brush painting
- budget-friendly summer camps
- BuyLocalNJ
- calligraphy
- Cameron Wright
- cbs interview
- cbs interviews HWIS
- cbs language immersion
- cbs new york
- cbs news HudsonWay Immersion School
- celebrating Chinese New Year
- celebration
- celebrations
- central NJ
- Chang er
- character development
- chess
- chess champions
- chess class
- chess tournament
- child mind institute
- children's well-being
- China
- chinese art
- chinese art and culture
- Chinese culture
- Chinese educators visit Bilingual Buds
- chinese folklore
- chinese food
- Chinese immersion preschool
- chinese language
- Chinese language courses
- Chinese Language Day
- Chinese New Year
- Chinese New Year celebration
- Chinese New Year Celebrations
- Chinese New Year Family Day
- chinese performance
- chinese recipes
- Chinese teachers
- coding
- cognitive development
- cognitive effects of bilingualism
- cognitive flexibility
- College Funding Coach
- colonial america
- colonial studies
- commitment
- communication
- community
- compassion for animals
- confidence
- COVID-19
- creativity
- critical thinking
- cross country
- cultural presentations
- culture
- curiosity
- curricula
- curriculum
- curriculum night
- Dale James
- dance
- Declan Wright
- decorating shells
- differentiated learning
- digital resources
- disguise a pumpkin
- Donna Skolnick
- Dr Tobias
- Dr Tom Lickona
- Dr. Barbara Pearson
- Dr. Ellen Connors
- Dr. Thomas Lickona
- drop-off in an immersion environment
- dual language program
- dual-language
- early childhood
- early childhood education
- Early Wednesday
- Easy Eatings—The Book for Kids Whose Parents Don't Eat by Kaitlyn Chee
- educators from Shanghai
- elementary
- elementary school
- Elizabeth Lim
- Elizabeth Willaum
- encouragement
- engage students
- enrichment fair
- environment projects
- Ethan Hicks
- executive function
- exmissions
- experiential learning
- explorers
- explorers mural
- extra-curricular
- face changing
- face paint
- family media agreement
- Farzana Nayani
- father and son travel to China
- festival
- field day
- field trip
- finance webinar
- financial aid
- first day of school
- fish spawning
- Flyers
- food & crafts
- foreign language
- foreign languages
- fostering curiosity
- founder interview
- free event
- free webinar
- frontline workers
- full immersion private vs public school
- fundraising
- future
- gaining confidence through immersion education
- games
- gaming
- general admissions
- get ahead academically
- gifted child
- gifted youth
- giftedness
- global citizens
- global seal of biliteracy
- gold award
- grade 2 project
- grade 3 science
- grade 4/5 projects
- Grade 8 graduation
- gratitude
- growth mindset
- Halloween
- halloween celebrations
- Halloween faers and challanges
- handling fear
- hands-on learning
- head of school
- head of school HudsonWay Immersion School
- health & safety
- hiring Chinese teachers
- Hispanic culture
- Hispanic heritage
- Hispanic Heritage month
- history
- Holiday
- home support
- Honey and Flowers by Kaitlyn Chee
- hope
- HudsonWay
- HudsonWay Immersion New York City
- HudsonWay Immersion School
- HudsonWay Immersion School alumni
- HudsonWay Immersion School alumnus
- HudsonWay Immersion School awards
- HudsonWay Immersion School events
- HudsonWay Immersion School New York
- HudsonWay Immersion School New York City
- HudsonWay Immersion School NJ
- HudsonWay Immersion School NJ campus
- HudsonWay Immersion School NY
- HudsonWay Immersion School NY Campus
- HudsonWay Immersion School NYC
- HudsonWay Immersion School NYC virtual tour
- HudsonWay Immersion School summer
- HudsonWay Immersion School virtual tour
- HudsonWay programming
- Huijuan Wu
- HWIS alumna
- HWIS alumni
- HWIS alumni story
- HWIS alumnus
- HWIS athletic department
- hwis founder
- HWIS graduates
- HWIS students
- HWIS values
- HWIS webinar series
- HWISPA - Collection Drive: Halloween Candy
- HWISPA event
- HWISPA Welcome Coffee
- hybrid learning
- immersion
- immersion camps
- immersion curriculum
- immersion education
- immersion programs
- in the news
- in-person tour
- info session
- innovative teaching
- Israel James
- Jack Perkins
- joy
- Kaitlyn Chee HudsonWay Immersion School alumna
- karate
- kids well-being
- kind kids
- kindergarten scholarships
- kindergarten virtual fair
- kindness
- kung fu
- landform project
- language abilities
- language education
- language immersion
- language immersion camps
- language immersion curricula
- language immersion school nj
- language immersion school nyc
- language immersion summer camps
- language learning
- language proficiency
- language programs
- language study abroad
- language summer camp
- language summer camps
- learning a second language
- learning in two languages
- learnings
- lego engineering
- life at hwis
- literacy
- literacy month
- Long Hill Township
- lower elementary
- Lucy Hao
- make your own compass
- making ants
- making bees
- making butterflies
- Mandarin
- mandarin basics
- Mandarin for parents
- Mandarin immersion
- Mandarin learning
- mandarin lessons
- mandarin movie award
- mandarin storytime
- Mandarin students presentation
- Mandarin summer camp
- Mandarin's moment
- map of homes around the world
- Mark Bandak
- martial arts
- Math skills
- mathematics
- Matt Fallon
- mental health
- merit based aid
- mexican folk dance
- Michael Donahue
- mid-covid
- Mid-Size Business of the Year
- middle school
- middle school track
- Middle States Accreditation
- Midtown West campus
- mindful parenting
- mindfulness
- MLK speech contest
- Mommy & Me classes
- Mommy and Me
- Mommy and Me classes
- money matters
- mooncakes
- morning announcements
- Morris Literation Nation Spelling Bee
- movie night
- Mulan
- multiracial children
- music
- musical theater
- national chinese language day
- National Taiwan Normal University
- NBC News
- Nelyda Miguel
- New Family ice cream social
- new head of school
- New Jersey
- New Midtown West campus
- New York Chinese Cultural Center
- newcomers club
- NJ
- NJ admissions
- NJ business
- NJ Campus
- NJ info session
- NJ info session. general admissions
- NJ Kids on the Go
- NJ schools
- NJ students
- NJ teacher panel HWIS
- Non-Asian interest in Chinese language courses
- northern NJ
- NY admissions
- NY Campus
- NY info session
- NY mural
- NY science fair
- NY teacher panel HWIS
- nyu award
- October highlights
- on-site learning
- open house
- opportunities
- outdoor event
- outdoor fun
- Panama
- parent association
- parent coffee
- parent coffee chat
- parent panel
- parent perspectives
- parent speak
- parents association
- parents league
- Patti Summers
- pay for college
- paying for college
- performances
- perspective
- perspectives
- photo booth
- physical coordination
- physical education
- physical health
- Picture Day
- picture story
- PISA test
- planting
- poems
- portrait
- positive attitude
- post-covid
- precautions
- preschool
- preschool fair
- preschool separation
- preschool virtual fair
- private school financial aid
- private school scholarship
- problem solving
- professional development
- Program for International Student Assessment
- project-based learning
- public event
- pumpkin disguise
- pumpkin gallery
- Q&A
- rainbow of cultures
- raising a bilingual child
- raising kind kids
- readers and writers
- reading
- reading workshop
- remote learning
- resources
- Richard Rusczyk
- RideAlong
- road runners
- robotics
- rock that movie
- rocket building
- run with champions
- safe social distancing
- safety
- salsa
- sanitation mats
- Sara Scallon
- save for college
- scholarship program
- Scholastic® Literacy Pro
- school mascot
- school tour
- science
- science center trip
- science challenges
- science fair
- science projects
- science unit
- screen time
- self-portraits
- separation anxiety
- separation during covid
- separation process for toddlers
- service-learning project
- Sharon Huang
- Sichuan Opera face changing
- singing the Painting Masks of Beijing Opera
- sketching
- small class sizes
- smartphones
- sneak peak
- soccer
- social and emotional learning
- social media
- social time
- social-emotional
- social-emotional learning
- social-emotional skills
- socializing
- spanish
- spanish art
- Spanish Carnavale
- spanish culture
- spanish food
- Spanish immersion
- spanish language immersion
- spanish learning
- spanish newspaper
- spanish puppetry
- spanish recipe
- spanish recipes
- spanish storytelling
- spanish storytime
- spanish summer camp
- Spanish winter show
- spanish-english newspaper
- speaking Chinese
- spelling bee
- Spin the Dawn author
- sports summer camp
- sports summer cmap
- spring break
- spring break travel
- stem kids
- Stirling
- storytelling
- storytime
- storytime & crafts
- strong culture
- student assembly
- student newsletter
- student panel
- student performances
- student projects
- student speak
- student teachers
- study abroad
- study abroad summer camps
- study of insects
- studying Mandarin
- Sue Ha
- summer activities
- summer camp
- summer camp fair NY
- summer camp manhattan
- summer camp midtown NY
- summer camp near me
- summer camp nj
- summer camp NY
- summer camp stirling nj
- summer camps
- summer events
- summer institute
- Summer Institute at HudsonWay Immersion School
- summer learning
- summer travel
- Summit
- Summit Screen on the Green
- support
- Taiwan
- tantrums
- teacher panel
- teachers
- teaching immersion elementary students
- team Abe
- technology
- TED talk
- temperature checks
- tennis
- Thanksgiving
- tips
- tips and resources
- toddlers
- total immersion experience
- touchless bathroom fixtures
- transformative education
- transportation options
- travel
- travel tips
- travel to China
- traveling with kids
- traveling with young children
- travels
- tribute singing
- trilingual
- upper elementary
- US immigration policy
- US schools
- virtual admissions
- virtual information session
- virtual session
- virtual webinar
- visas for Chinese teachers
- visit by the Art Farm to HudsonWay Immersion School
- visit us
- voting
- Warren Hicks
- webinar
- webinar recording
- webinars
- Welcome coffee
- Welcome Potluck Picnic
- well-being
- why HWIS
- winners
- winter books
- writers' webinar
- Wushu Kungfu Fitness Center
- Year of the Rat
- Zhang Laoshi
- zumba
- zumba for kids
January 17, 2023
January 17, 2023
Holiday - Chinese New Year - School Closed
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January 17, 2023
January 17, 2023
Holiday - MLK Jr. Day - School Closed
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December 6, 2022
December 6, 2022
School Assembly
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December 6, 2022
December 6, 2022
November 1, 2022
November 1, 2022
Early Wednesday
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November 1, 2022
November 1, 2022
School Closed for Parent Teacher Conferences
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