Extended Care – New York

HWIS provides a structured, supportive and fun Extended Care program for our families. We offer both Early Care from 7:30am to 8:30am and Aftercare to all HWIS day school students. Students are grouped by PreK 2's, PreK 3' & 4's and K-5th. Our Extended Care teachers are experienced in early childcare. They follow a Timeline of Events by the hour that includes a variety of activities daily. This structure has dedicated time for homework. Target Language homework is designed to be supported at home but is self-guided by the student while in Aftercare. Our Extended Care teachers offer direct English homework assistance.

We comply with teacher to student ratio guidelines so we have limited spots available in our Extended Care groups. For a spot in our Extended Care program please fill out one of the registration forms from below list as applicable. Here are our Extended Care groups and available spots for each.

Register Now:
- After Care PreK 2's: Monday - Friday, 6 students each day.
- After Care PreK 3's & 4's: Monday - Friday, 15 students each day.
- After Care K-5th: Monday - Friday, 22 students each day.
- Early Care PreK: Monday - Friday, 6 students each day.
- Early Care K-5th: Monday - Friday, 12 students

Partial Day Requests
We will grant 3 and 4 day requests for Early and Aftercare only in the event that there are spots available in the group you want to register for. Please fill out our Partial Day Request form to be placed on our waitlist. You will receive an email notification that you are on the waitlist for that group and of your place on the waitlist.