HudsonWay Immersion School Named Mid-Size Business of the Year
January 6, 2020HudsonWay Immersion School begins Winter Mommy & Me classes in Mandarin or Spanish starting February 1
January 21, 2020HWIS Parents share their families' experiences at HudsonWay Immersion School
Find out what makes HudsonWay Immersion School unique directly from the parents!The ability of their children to learn core subjects in a second language is one of the key elements that attracted Cindy and Salim to HudswonWay Immersion School. Watch their testimonial on what other features are important to them and what makes them proud and happy of their decision to enroll their children in the Spanish program.
Listen to Colleene’s story about the journey of her daughter transitioning from a non-immersion school to our Mandarin Program in 2nd Grade. Even though they do not speak Mandarin at home, Sage had no problem adapting and catching-up with her peers thanks to the support she received at the school and at home.
Enjoy our Parent Perspectives.