Bilingual Spanish-English Newspaper “Verde, Amarillo, Blanco” by HWIS Students – Issue 02
March 10, 2021Grade 3 Science
April 12, 2021Dear HWIS Community,
This week we saw another incident adding to the increasing Anti-Asian violence reported in the news since the pandemic began a year ago. These frightening and appalling images hit home for many of us because the victims remind us of ourselves, family members, friends, and neighbors. We as a school community respect and value people of all backgrounds and ethnicities. There is no more important work than instilling these values in our students and children. Each one of us can do our part to use this as a teachable moment.
We will continue to monitor how these incidents affect our students, teachers and staff, and our families. We are reaching out to our local police departments for any updated guidance and a review of policies or procedures which we will share with our staff. Finally, we appreciate the collective support of our wonderful community.
HWIS Administration
This week we saw another incident adding to the increasing Anti-Asian violence reported in the news since the pandemic began a year ago. These frightening and appalling images hit home for many of us because the victims remind us of ourselves, family members, friends, and neighbors. We as a school community respect and value people of all backgrounds and ethnicities. There is no more important work than instilling these values in our students and children. Each one of us can do our part to use this as a teachable moment.
Talk to our children. Here are some articles to begin the conversation.
How to Talk to Asian American Youth about Racism
Addressing Anti-Asian Racism with Students
Get educated on the history of anti-Asian sentiment. This 5-part PBS series, “The Asian Experience” is a good place to start.
A few good reads on Asian American history in the US.
NY Times Article
Top 10 Chinese American Children’s Books (ages 2 – 14).
Best Children’s Books about Chinese American History.
Asian American Children’s Books.
Donate to a cause such as Atlanta Chapter of Asian Americans in support of the families of victims of the March 16 shootings. Send Chinatown Love supports NY Chinatown’s businesses, and Asian American Community Fund supports grassroots organizations.
Volunteer – take a training course in Bystander Intervention to stop Asian American harassment
You’ll find more ideas on these webpages.
We will continue to monitor how these incidents affect our students, teachers and staff, and our families. We are reaching out to our local police departments for any updated guidance and a review of policies or procedures which we will share with our staff. Finally, we appreciate the collective support of our wonderful community.
HWIS Administration