Global Competence

Our students constantly learn how to navigate our economically, socially and politically interconnected world. They investigate global issues, learn different worldviews, and are taught how to communicate and act from a global perspective.

Since its founding 20 years ago, HudsonWay has focused on helping students develop as global citizens with biliteracy being a key component.

A decade ago, researchers from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Asia Society developed a framework for Global Competence now used by PISA (Program for International Student Development) and OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) to evaluate what it means to be a global citizen. At HWIS, refer to this framework as a compass to guide our development of what it means to become a global citizen.

Based on this framework, we define global competence as the capacity to:

  • Examine issues and situations of local, global and cultural significance
  • Understand and appreciate different perspectives and worldviews
  • Establish positive interactions with people of different national, ethnic, religious, social and cultural backgrounds
  • Take constructive action toward sustainable development and collective well being
Global Competence Framework

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