Webinar – Preschool Separation during COVID


Webinar – Preschool Separation during COVID For the past four months our young children have become accustomed to having us at home. What can we expect […]

Info Session Q & A: New York


During this info session we will provide an overview of HWIS' preschool, elementary and middle school programs and answer questions. Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUvdO6rqTMoGNKz4uDj9bMRi_CD9Xh20AwY

Info Session Q & A: New Jersey


During this info session we will provide an overview of HWIS' preschool, elementary and middle school programs and answer questions. Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAldemrpz0pE9ap7zu1hoG8lkZFbV7o3qlE

Info Session Q & A: Middle School


In association with parent's league, during this info session we will provide an overview of HWIS' middle school program and answer questions. Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMvfu-gpzkpGNTxtkLOoBMPnHfTaJqhUW8j

Webinar – Using 529s to Save for College


In this webinar, The College Funding Coach is going to explain the details of 529 plans. They’ll be joined by a special guest whose an expert in the field of 529s.

Info Session Q & A: New York


During this info session we will provide an overview of HWIS' preschool, elementary and middle school programs and answer questions. Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcod-GgrTMuHdbwcDGdJrWv3OTXoBKIOUd3